100% Volunteer powered!
Our trails are open to allow hiking, biking, horseback, snowmobiles and more. We have many great walking trails to hike with your pups
Get on your Fatbike, XC Ski’s or Snowmobile for some fun in the winter snow. Once the conditions are right, our trails offer a snowy winter escape
See Boston and other local views on a clear day from Henry’s view on Birch Hill. Parking off Federal Hill road at Monson
Multi-Use Recreational
Trails and Open Space in Hollis New Hampshire
40+ Miles of Beautiful Trails
40+ miles of trails to enjoy on foot, bike, horse, Ski’s, Snowshoe or snowmobile
Enjoy our Multi-Use trail system
The Hollis Trails committee has been dedicated to excellent trails for your enjoyment
Nature Nurtures your Soul
Take a Hike! Nature does the body good! Hollis has a diverse variety of Nature to enjoy
The Latest Trail News
What’s happening on the Hollis Trail System?
Expansion of the Hollis Trails Committee
Let’s welcome our new members of the Hollis Trails Committee. Left to right. Rob Doore, Ken Cleveland, James Stokes, Willie Walker and Joe birch A big thank you to Barbara Kowalski who stepped down after providing 10 years of service to the town
Orienteering event in Town Forest
Please note that the Town Forest will be the site of a Up North Orienteering event on Sat April 20th, 2024More info can be found on the UNO website Hollis Town Forest Silver Lake Rd., Hollis, NH, United States Registration: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Staggered Starts: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Courses Close: 3:00 PM — Check […]
Logging Activities
Please note that the Town Forest committee has scheduled some logging activities near Mutton cove at Dunklee pond. Please see the image below showing the activity area, please use caution when using the town forest near Dunklee over the next few weeks starting March 11, 2024